Just in case you didn't know... We are having a girl!!! I had a video of the little scavenger hunt Kreed put me through to find out but it won't upload. Here is the story instead.
I turned my head during the ultrasound so I wouldn't see if it was a boy or girl. The ultrasound tech told secretly told Kreed the gender. When I got home I found two balloons; one pink and one blue. Inside, were little strips of paper that spelled out "Did you think it would be this easy". My husband thinks he is really funny. After that I found a bouquet of pink and blue balloons on our bed. After popping all of the balloons i found two strips of paper that said Malachi 3:1. The scripture gave me a clue that lead me to my temple bag. Inside the bag was a cute little pink dress and a beautiful pink rose.
We are so excited to be having a girl. July 13th can't come soon enough!!